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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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1:11-14 GOD IS TO
SHARING WORK Intro: For several Sunday mornings we have been moving
through Paul’s astounding song of praise to God. Let me take just a moment to
recap the truths Paul has been sharing with us. In verses 3-6, Paul praises God for
His sovereign work in our lives. He reminds us in verse 3 that God is good! God’s goodness translates into His
blessings upon our lives. He demonstrates His blessings upon us by showering us
with His blessings. Among those blessings is God’s work in salvation. He made
us a part of His redemptive plan. This results in us being adopted into God’s
family as sons and daughters; in having our lives changed by His power; and in
our being accepted by God. That is a valid reason for praising the Lord. In verses 7-10, Paul praises God
for His saving work. He reminds us that God sent His Son the Lord Jesus Christ
in to the world to redeem us from our sins. Through His precious blood we are
redeemed by grace and forgiven of all our sins. God, in His great grace, opened
our eyes to our lost condition; He made us aware of what Christ did for us when
He died for us on the cross, and then He saved us by His amazing grace. To top
it off, God did everything I just mentioned, and more, just because it brought
Him pleasure. That is another valid reason for praising the Lord. In the text
before us today, Paul tells us that God Is To Be Praised For His Sharing Work.
In these verses, Paul turns his attention to the work of the Holy Spirit in our
lives. In these verses, we will not only see that God has provided a way of
salvation and has revealed that plan unto us; we will also see that God has
opened the treasure houses of Heaven and He shares everything He possesses with
His redeemed people. As we
consider the truths revealed in these verses, we will see yet another reason
why our great God is to be praised. As the Lord gives liberty, I want to share
these truths with you today. I want to show you why God
Is To Be Praised For His Sharing Work. I. THE
PLACE OF GOD’S SHARING WORK (Ill. God’s great gifts, His salvation and His
blessings cannot be found just anywhere. Paul reveals the location of all the
wonders of the Almighty. He tells us where God’s blessings are found.) A. They
Are Found In A Person – God shares His blessings with a select group of
people. Verse 11 begins with
the words “in whom”. The “whom” Paul refers to is the Lord
Jesus Christ, v. 10. God’s
blessings are found in a faith relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone in the world, both saved and
lost, enjoys some of God’s blessings. Air, water, food, life, the world, etc,
are given to all men. Jesus Himself reminds us that, “he maketh his sun to rise on the
evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust,” Matt. 5:45. Those common
blessings end at the door of salvation. Those who come to Jesus by faith become
the partakers of God’s best blessings. When we are saved, we are adopted into His
family. Our sins are forgiven. We are promised a home in Heaven. Our lives are
changed and we are made into new creatures. Our heavenly Father promises to
abide with us, to supply all our needs, to love us and to bless us.When we come
to the Son, we are given everything that belongs to the Father, Rom. 8:17. Having Jesus puts
into a place of blessing. Do you have the son? (Ill. Estate auction and the painting
of the son. http://prorege-forum.com/ messages/781.html) B. They
Are Found In A Plan – Paul says that we have “been predestinated according to
the purpose of Him Whoworketh all things after the counsel of His Own will.”
When we hear the word “predestinated” we automatically
recoil from it. In our minds we link predestination with sovereign election and
we shrink away from those doctrines. In fact, some people are so hardened
against these doctrines that they refuse to hear them when they are preached.
You would not believe the difficulties that have come my way just because I
preached on election from verse 4.
But, just because we do not understand everything that election and
predestination encompass does not change the fact that they are true, biblical
doctrines. In fact, verse 11
makes a clear statement about the sovereignty of God. It says that God “worketh
all things according to the counsel of His Own will.” Either that verse
means that God controls all things, even salvation, or it means nothing! Either
it is true or it is a lie. I prefer to believe that God knows what He is
talking about. As Paul said in Rom. 3:4,
God be true and every man a liar.” The word “predestinated” simply
means “appointed or destined”. It refers to plans that God the Father
made for His people sometime in the past. When we speak of election, we are
talking about God choosing some for salvation in eternity past, v. 4. When we speak of
predestination, we are talking about God’s determination that those who are
saved will experience certain things. Election has to do with salvation;
predestination has to do with sanctification. Election has to do with God’s
choices; predestination has to do with God’s changes. Election has to do with
eternity; predestination has to do with time. God predestinated every event in the life
of every child of God so that we will experience a changed life here, v. 12, and an eternal life with
Him hereafter, Psa. 37:23.
All God is saying is that we are headed somewhere! While we are here, all the events of life
are ordered by the Lord to make is more like Jesus, Eph. 4:13, Rom. 8:28-29. God saved us to make us like
Christ! When we leave this world, God has predestinated us to live with Him for
eternity in His home in heaven. That is biblical predestination. Paul goes on to tell us that God performs
this predestination “according to the purpose of Him Whoworketh
all things after the counsel of His Own will.” The word “worketh”
speaks of “ongoing, energetic activity”. It is the picture of a God Who is
actively, energetically involved in assuring that His purposes are fulfilled
and that His will is accomplished. God has a plan! He is working that plan
every single second of time. God has determined that His people will be
with Him where He is, John 14:3;
17:24. The word “counsel” refers to “God’s
determined purpose that cannot be changed”. The word “will”
speaks of “God’s desires”. God desires that His people will obtain an
eternal inheritance in Jesus Christ. So, God orders every event in life to see
that everything works out like He wants it to. He is pulling all the strings of
life. He is manipulating every event. He is behind every blessing and He is
behind every tragedy. All the events of life serve to accomplish His plan. Being a part of God’s eternal plan is the
only way to enjoy the best of His blessings. Are you a part of His plan? C. They
Are Found In His Pleasure – Verse
11 says that God does these things “after the counsel of His Own will”,
or “desires”.
Verse 12 and 14 refer to “the
praise of His glory”. Paul is telling us that all the blessings we
enjoy in Jesus Christ, whether they be heavenly or earthly in nature, come to
us through the heart of a God Who takes delight in blessing His people. He is
good to us simply because He wants to be. He blesses us because it brings Him
pleasure. As I have stated before, I do not
comprehend how God could receive pleasure from saving the likes of us. I do not
understand how He receives any joy from blessing our lives like He does. But,
He does! Of course, the Bible indicates that God even found pleasure in sending
His Son to die for our sins, Isa.
53:10; Heb. 12:2. I say, “Hallelujah!” I bless His
name that He loved me when I was a sinner and that He saved me! I praise His
name that He put me in His plan before the foundation of the world! I glorify
Him that He saved me and continues to bless me in spite of my foolish ways! Anyway, all the things we have in Jesus
Christ are ours simply because it brings God pleasure to give them to us. It
pleases Him to work His will in the world and in our lives so that we will
eventually end up where He saved us to go! For that, He deserves our praise! I. The
Place Of God’s Sharing Work II. THE PURPOSE OF GOD’S SHARING WORK (Ill. All of God’s blessings arise from our
relationship top Him through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. They come to us
solely in His good pleasure. If you are in Jesus, you are candidate for God’s
blessings. If you are not in Him, you need to be saved. If you will come to
Jesus, you will become a candidate for the blessings of God as well. Having told
us where the blessings of God originate, Paul now tells us something about the
purpose of God’s saving work. These verses reveal two of God’s purposes in His
saving work.) A. To
Reveal His Glory Through Us – In verse
12 Paul says, “that we should be to the praise of His
glory, who first trusted in Christ.” In other words, God saved us to
reveal His glory through us to a lost world. When the world sees the saint of
God, they see a living, breathing testament to God’s saving power. Later in this book Paul will tell us that “we
are His workmanship, created in Jesus Christ unto good works, which God hath
foreordained that we should walk in them,” Eph. 2:10. The word “workmanship” translates a word that
means “a work, or that which is made”. We get our English word “poem”
from it. It refers to an artist’s master work; the crowning creation of all his
ability and talent. God points to those He has redeemed by His grace and He
says that we represent the pinnacle of His power. Our lives are to be living
testimonies to the glory of God’s saving power through Christ Jesus, Phil. 1:27. You see, the world
is watching! That is why Paul describes our lives as a book read by the lost, 2 Cor. 3:1-3. When the world reads our lives, what do
they learn? Do they learn that Jesus Christ changes every life He touches? Or,
do they learn that He makes no real difference in the lives of men? When Paul
uses the word “trusted” in this verse, it is in a tense that suggests an
ongoing trust that alters the life of the one trusting. It is a once for all
trust that changes everything. When you place your trust in Jesus Christ for
salvation, you are changed, 2 Cor.
5:17. That change will manifest itself in a new life and in a continual
desire to live for the Lord. The child of God may not be perfect, but the child
of God will be different and it will show, until the day they leave this world! When they read us, they should see people
who are different. They should see people who are Spirit-filled and who live
every minute under the direction of Almighty God. They should see a people who
walk different than they do; who talk different than they do; who think
different than they do; who are different than they are. What do they see when they read your book?
God saved you for His glory;does your life bring Him any glory? Now, having said that, it should cause us
to lift our voices in loud and long praise when we stop to consider what Paul
is saying here. He is telling us that you are saved in Jesus and blessed like
you are, just because it brings glory to God. He is glorified in your
salvation! He is magnified because you do not have to go to Hell! He has
redeemed you and it brings Him honor. Let that soak in for a minute! B. To
Reveal His Gifts To Us – Part of God’s purpose in saving us is for His
Own glory; another part has to do with God revealing His grace through our
inheritance in Jesus. In verse 11
Paul says, “we have obtained an inheritance”. The word “inheritance”
refers to “something assigned to another; a heritage.” Everyone here has a heritage. Whether it
is good or bad, godly or evil, we all have a heritage. The way we talk, think
and interact with our world is determined by our heritage. Some of you have a
godly heritage and you need to thank God for it. Others have a heritage you
would rather forget; leave it with God and look forward and not back. Regardless of the kind of heritage we have
behind us, every saint of God has a marvelous inheritance in We are promised
peace, love, grace, wisdom, eternal life, joy, victory, strength, guidance,
power, mercy, forgiveness, righteousness, truth, fellowship with God, spiritual
discernment; those and countless other good things come from God, James 1:17. While we have all the great blessings God
can provide here, we have even greater things waiting on us in eternity. In Eph. 2:7 Paul tells us that God
will use the endless ages of eternity to reveal the glories of His grace unto
us. Peter says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according
to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible,
and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are
kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in
the last time,”1 Pet. 1:3-5. So, every day we live in this world God
demonstrates one of His purposes as he blesses us here. Then, when this life is
over, we will go to be with Him in His Heaven, where we will enjoy His presence
and the place He has prepared for us there, John 14:1-3; Rev. 21:4. I would just remind you that we are
the children of God and we are His heirs. In fact, we are “joint-heirs”, Rom. 8:17. This means that He
will not receive His inheritance apart from us! The Lord’s future glory is
wrapped up in His church. We will be given our inheritance together! I. The
Place of God’s Sharing Work II. The
Purpose Of God’s Sharing Work III. THE PROMISE OF GOD’S SHARING WORK (Ill. When we are in Jesus Christ, we are in a place
where we can enjoy the great blessings of God. He shares His blessings with us.
He does it for His Own glory, and He does it to reveal His gifts to us in Jesus
Christ. God’s sharing work holds many blessings for us. In these
verses, Paul not only talks about the place of God’s sharing work and the
purpose of God’s sharing work, but he also talks about the promise of God’s sharing
work. Paul tells us about the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing us to Jesus
Christ for salvation and in His work in our lives after we are saved.) A. It
Is Seen In His Saving Work – In verse
13 Paul says, “in Whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard
the word of truth…” In this short statement, Paul talks about the way
God saves sinners. I make no excuses or apologies for the way
I believe regarding election and predestination, but while I believe God is
sovereign in salvation, I also know that man is responsible to believe on
Jesus. Paul tells us that we must “trust” in Jesus, after having heard
word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation.” When the Gospel is preached, the Holy
Spirit opens the eyes of the lost sinner and draws them to Jesus. When that
sinner responds by looking to Jesus by faith salvation is the result. My friend, if you want to miss Hell and go
to Heaven; if you want to enjoy the great blessings of our Lord; if you want
all that God has to offer in Jesus, you must do it God’s way. Let me tell you
what you need to do. You must believe the Gospel. What is the
Gospel? ·
Here it is, “For I
delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ
died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that
he rose again the third day according to the scriptures,” 1 Cor. 15:3-4. ·
Here it is again,
was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification,”Rom. 4:25. ·
Here it is again,
God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life,” John 3:16. Not only must you hear the Gospel, you
must believe it. If you can believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and
rose again from the dead, you can be saved by trusting what He did at Calvary.
If you will trust Him, He will save you! Here is His promise, “That
if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine
heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved,” Rom. 10:9. Have you believed the
Gospel? B. It
Is Seen In His Sealing Work – When a sinner believes in Jesus and is
saved, verse 13 says that
they are “sealed with that holy Spirit of promise”. When Paul says we are
sealed, he is referring to the ancient practice of sealing letters or other
official documents with a wax seal. Hot wax was placed on the document and a
signet ring pressed into the wax. The sealed document carried the authority of
the person who owned the seal. This practice is very suggestive of what
God does in the lives of His children when He saves and seals them. The seal of
God’s Spirit in a believer’s life signifies at least four great truths. ·
It Signifies Security – When an ancient king placed his seal on something
it represented a decree that was secure and unchangeable. When Daniel was
placed in the lion’s den, a seal was placed on the door so that no one would
dare try to change his fate, Dan.
6:17. When Jesus died they sealed His tomb to prevent the disciples
from coming to move His body, Matt.
27:66. When God saves a soul, the Spirit of God
moves in and takes up residence in that new believer, Rom. 8:9; 1 Cor. 6:19-20. When He comes in He sets His seal
on the believer and promises us eternal security in Jesus. The seal of an
earthly ruler might be broken, but the eternal seal of God upon a believer’s
heart will never be broken or removed. (Ill. 1 Pet. 1:5; John 10:28; John 6:37-40) ·
It Signifies Authenticity – The seal of an ancient king testified to the
authenticity of the document to which it was attached. In 1 Kings 17:8-14, Jezebel forged letters in the name of Ahab
commanding the men of Naboth’s village to have him put to death. The letter was
filled with lies, but since they bore the King’s seal, they were authentic and
they were accepted and carried out by the elders of that village. When God saves a soul, the presence of the
Holy Spirit in that life declares the authenticity of that believer. The
presence of the Spirit says, “This life is mine and they are a citizen of
my Kingdom.” When the Spirit of God is in you, there will be an
authenticity about your life that will be missing otherwise, Ill. Acts 4:13. ·
It Signifies Authority – The seal of an ancient king carried great
authority. When the king made a decree and sealed it, it was unalterable. When
Haman convinced King Ahasuerus to make a decree that the Jews could be killed,
Queen Esther was distressed because she knew that the decree was unchangeable.
Even after Haman was hanged, the decree was still in force, Esther 8:8-12. When God saves and seals a soul, He gives
that new believer divine authority. He gives them authority to serve Him in the
world. He gives them authority to preach, teach, witness, work and serve Him in
the world. When God saved you He sent into the world to serve Himas His
ambassador, Eph. 6:20. You
have His authority to labor in His field. He has sealed you for that purpose. ·
It Signifies Ownership – The seal of an ancient ruler declared absolute
ownership. When King Zedekiah imprisoned Jeremiah, Jeremiah was commanded by
the Lord to purchase a piece of property. The transaction was agreed upon, the
price was paid and the required number of witnessed watched as Jeremiah became
the rightful owner of the property. The seal marked it as his, Jer. 32:10. When the Lord saves a soul, He marks that
soul as His personal possession. The seal of the Holy Spirit on a life declares
that the saved person is God property. His seal lets us know that the
transaction of salvation is complete and forever final! (Note: When a truck is loaded and
heads off for delivery, that trailer door is sealed that seal declares that the
load within matches what is declared on the bill of lading. The seal testifies
to the correctness of the contents within. That seal say, “What is in this trailer cannot be
changed.” A broken seal signals trouble. When
God saved you He sealed you. His seal says that you are His and the contents of
your soul have been authenticated. His seal declares that what is inside of you
cannot be changed. You are His and that can never be undone!) C. It
Is Seen In His Securing Work – In verse
14 Paul tells us that the presence of the Spirit of God in our lives is
earnest of our inheritance”. He is even called “the Spirit of promise”. The
word “earnest” refers to “money that is given in a purchase a down
payment which guarantees that the balance will be paid.” If you have
ever financed the purchase of a car you know what I am talking about. You gave
them some earnest money as your promise that you would pay the rest. When you
signed the credit contract, you were promising them that you were good for the
rest of the money. So, you started paying it back a little at a time,
eventually, when all the money had been repaid, that car became yours. When Jesus died for us, He paid for our
redemption completely, John 19:30.
There is nothing left for us to pay. When we were saved, the Holy Spirit came
into our hearts as the promise of God that He come for His “purchased
possession”. He bought us and He sent His Spirit to live within us to
mark us as His property until the day comes when he will take us home to glory.
The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives is proof that we are headed to
Heaven! He is the pledge of our future inheritance! That ought to make a saved
Baptist shout! (Note: The word “earnest” has the idea of a “guarantee”. It is the same word
used to speak of an “engagement ring”.
When a man gives a woman an engagement ring, he is making a pledge to that
woman. He is promising to be faithful to her, to love her, and he is promising
that he will take her to himself some day. That is what the Spirit of the Lord
promises us when He saves us. He promises top be faithful to us, to love us,
and that one day, the One Who purchased us to Himself will come for us to take
us to be with Him, 1 Thes. 4:16-17.
That is His pledge. That is our guarantee!) (Note: Noted Greek scholar Bishop
Lightfoot of Cambridge said, “The actual spiritual life of the Christian
is the same in kind as his future glorified life.” In other words, the
way the Spirit of God works in our hearts here, is but a foretaste of what we
will have there. It is just a small, tantalizing taste of what we will enjoy
when we arrive hone in Heaven. The “earnest” of the Spirit is a down
payment with the promise of more to follow! Do you remember when you were saved and
you experienced that sweet sense that all was right with the Lord? Do you
remember how the Spirit of God has moved in your heart during times of worship
where you were overwhelmed with His presence and filled with a sense of awe? Do
you remember the times when you obeyed the voice of the Spirit and God used you
in some great way? Do you remember times when you manifested the fruit of the
Spirit in some situation in which you would normally have acted in the flesh? If you remember those kinds of
experiences, take them and multiply them by a million and you are beginning to
get the picture of how the Spirit will bless us in our glorified state. Right
now, we are just getting a taste. When we arrive in Heaven, we will enjoy the
entire meal! By the way, if all we are experiencing
here is a taste of what is to come, can you imagine how wonderful it will be to
experience everything God has for us? What will the fist few minutes of Heaven
be like? What will the first year, the fist decade, the first million years be
like? This is just another reason for us to praise the God of our salvation for
His grace and blessings.) Conc: God has blessed us in Jesus Christ. He has opened
the vaults of Heaven and given us greater riches in Jesus than we can imagine.
We should praise Him for His sharing work. There are
some here today who understand some of what they possess in Jesus. You should
bow before Him and thank Him, then rise up and serve Him. One day you will give
an account for taking the gifts of God for granted in your life. There are
others who are just beginning to understand what they have. You should bow
before Him to thank Him and then you should rise up to serve Him. Being blessed
by the Lord brings great responsibility into our lives. There are
some here who have never trusted Jesus for salvation. You need to come to
Jesus. You have heard the Gospel, now is the time to believe it and be saved
from your sins. Let us
praise our God for His grace and the gifts He gives us in Jesus Christ. He is a
wonderful Lord and He is worthy of our gratitude. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |